Please see our Facebook page for the latest updates and information about specific services. You can also view the service plans (including online services) for all churches in the Doncaster Methodist Circuit .

Schedule of Worship 2024

Sunday morning services begin at 10:45 am unless otherwise noted.

15 September:   David Beardsall (Café-Style Worship)

22 September:  Worship Leader (Kathryn)

29 September:   Rev Tom Read  (3pm Afternoon Worship)

06 October:  Jane Bingham

13 October:  Rev Tom Read (3 pm Afternoon Worship)

House Fellowship

House Fellowship meets first Monday of the month at 2 pm but is currently paused for summer.

Next meeting: 26 September.

Adwick Parents and Tots Group

Tuesdays 9:30-11 am during term time. Toys, games, and music. Contact Kathleen at 07810 078012 for more information. Volunteer assistance would be most welcome.

Note: Currently paused for summer recess.

Lunchtime Social Club

These run from 12-2 pm on the last Thursday of the month.

 For more information contact David at 01302 726741.

Community Outreach and other Events

Coffee Mornings  (10:30 am start)

- Saturday 21 September, in support of Aid for Ukraine, a non-profit organisation.

- Saturday 19 October, proceeds toward Shoe Boxes

- Saturday 16 November, Christmas Fayre

- Saturday 14 December, proceeds toward homeless charity

Other Churches

St. Laurence activities:

- Adwick Women's Fellowship: First Thursday of each month, noon, at St. Laurence's Community Centre. 

- Alpha Stay Curious: Sundays 4-6 pm September 8-Dec. 1.

- Messy Church, first Sunday each month, 4 pm (starting in September)


- Weekday Communion, 16 September, 2 pm.

Need to book an event?

The Adwick Church Hall is available for bookings at very reasonable prices. Call Jean at 01302 338447 for more information.

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